
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Diet

Well it's been a while since I last posted here so hopefully I will be able to log my diet and what i have eaten every day........

I have just started a new diet which entails 5 days of eating a 2 days of fasting, it has been on the tv and  I watched it on you tube, it seems to be good only if you can fast for 2 days, I have tried these last 2 days ans I've always eaten or drank too much, I don't seem to have the will power to do it.............
I want so much to lose weight for our friends wedding in October but sods law seems to prevent me from doing so
Take yesterday for instance, I started off really well then Hubby starting moaning and getting depressed over nothing, so I hit the wine and at the end of the night I ate a crunchie bar and I didn't even enjoy it

So today I am determined  to eat and drink very little and kick start my diet

I have about 7/8 weeks until the wedding so I will hopefully get into the diet by then and I would have lost weight .............

So todays meals were:::    2 slices of pineapple & herbal tea

Lunch    small bowl of pasta with zucchini and garlic
             Tabsp. Parmesan cheese
              Sm. glass of red wine
              2 glasses water, after herbal tea
Dinner    Slice of ham and a large salad
               water & herbal tea

Exercise  weeded the garden for 45 mins.
Me and Gordon on Sunday at an outside bar in Guardiagrele we had a lovely day

Sunday, May 1, 2011

my weight loss

Had a good day today, kept well within my calories and I haven't had much alcohol today either, which I'm very please about
I have been watching a few programs on youtube,mostly about healthy eating and how to get your cholesterol down, so i have printed a few things out and hope fully I can incorporate them into my diet, so hopefully i will at last be able to lose weight


Friday, April 29, 2011

my weight loss

It has been a while since I last blogged about my diet and weight loss, I did promise myself that I would blog more often, so i have no excuse and my weight is still the same as when I started this blog................
It's not that I don't care about myself, it's, well i don't really know what it is, I just can't seem to get motivated at all,  it's like this one week I'm really good and concentrate on my eating, drinking and exercise, and another I'm not that much bothered ................
I know I have got to lose this bloody weight and i know it's good if I did it for my health, that a lone you would think would make me get the incentive to lose this fat this well i don't know what to call myself, well I would call it bloody greed and no will power at all, I'm not like my sister, she all the will power in the world, I just wish she would give me some of her will power

So I have to promise myself that i will do my best to lose at least a kilo a week if not 1/2 kilo, and i will blog as much as my life will allow, which mostly every day, it's not as though every one is coming to visit and that I have a job to go to, I don't and they don't so I will blog every time I log into WLR site

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ABBA - Slipping Through my Fingers (video)

weigh in today

Well i weighed myself today and i haven't lost a thing, it's really getting me down.........
Why can't i lose weight ??????????????
Why can't i lose at least 1/2 kilo ??????????????????????
I can't give up i want to lose weight i must lose weight because of my health  but nothing seems to give me that push nothing  seems to give me the drive and determination to lose this god forsaken weight
I have been like this for the last 3 years and I'm bloody fed up with it

I start off really good full of the intention of giving it my all and then the second day i crack and I start drinking and eating,,,,  well i don't eat i just drink and that seems to be my down full so if i could stop drinking i could start losing weight ????????????????
But I can't just STOP I like drinking and i like eating
I went on to you tube yesterday and i watched Paul Mckenna  "I can make you thin" maybe that is what i'm looking for maybe if i try his way of thinking about food or not as the case may be and then he can hypnotize me not to drink and i will be sorted i will have no worries about anything I would be a boring old fart but hay! I will be slim and i won't drink anything other than herbal teas but until then i will have to keep going with my routine of weight loss no weight loss and drink what i like unless my body gives up the fight then thats me DEAD and that will be my own fought nobody else's just mine so i need to keep going with a little help from my friend on the WRL site and together we will get there she is the same as me lose a bit gain a bit and we will both get there with each others help and support

So my 85 kilo WILL become 70kilo watch this space

And i promise I will blog more often but with no one reading it hard to keep writing  but I will just in case

Saturday, February 12, 2011

my weight loss

Well I have decided to keep going with the weight loss despite going to the UK next Sunday for a week, but my daughter can't get any time off I'm hoping to walk into town most day and I think I will take keep fit dvd with me so that if I do stay in I can do that and I will be doing some cooking so i can keep an eye on what I eat,but then Zoe is a health freak so she won't have any junk food in the house.

Today I have had just 2 glasses of wine which is good for me and they were at lunch and this evening I didn't want anything to drink
I took the dogs for a nice long walk and believe it or not I was gone for an hour, hubby thought I'd been kidnapped haha

So all in all good day and hopefully more to come
Bye for now

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

not a good day

Well haven't had a good day today still a bit sad and dazed about Harry

I lost .5kg last week better than nothing, been trying to stop drinking alcohol but haven't done it yet but really want to and I haven't done any exercise either so all in all a really bad day

Have had men in to put in a boiler well pellet stove so I have been up early but haven't been going to bed early so very very tired and wanted to get to bed early tonight but I'm still up writing this blog

So going to bed and staying there until I have had a good sleep and hopefully feel good for it

Until next time nite nite